BIOSOL-P is a Phosphate Solubilizing Biofertilizer (PSB). It has highly efficient phosphate solublizing bacteria (Bacillus megatarium) that grow and secrete organic acids, that dissolve unavailable phosphate into soluble form.
All types of field crops (Rice,Sugarcane, Maize, Wheat, Cotton, etc.), All Fruits, Vegetables, Horticulture, Tissue culture plants, Plantation Crops.
DOSAGE: 1 Ltr / acre
DIRECTIONS OF USE: Apply through drenching,flooding with irrigation, seed coating or broadcasting.
• Application of BioSOL-P assures early & effective germination of seeds.
• Increases nutrient uptake efficiency of plants.
• 5-25% crop yield may be increased.
• Increases efficiency of applied phosphorous fertilizers.
• Nontoxic and Ecofriendly product.